New Arrivals

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  Title Copies
The spirit mercury 
Year: 1900 
Call No: 13.98 J 1953 
Reich speaks of Freud; Wilhelm Reich discusses his work and his relationship with Sigmund Freud. Edited by Mary Higgins and Chester M. Raphael. With translations from the German by Therese Pol 
Year: 1967 
Call No: 12.0 H 1967 
Minutes of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society - Volume I:1906-1908 
Year: 1900 
The Skin Ego 
Year: 1989 
ISBN 13: 9780300037470 
Call No: 13.3 A 1989 
A Fresh Look at Psychoanalysis: The View from Self Psychology 
Year: 1988 
ISBN 13: 9780881630718 
Call No: 13.53 G 1988 
The revival of interest in the dream 
Year: 1900 
Call No: 13.7 F 1953 
A young girl's diary [Prefaced with a letter by Sigmund Freud] 
Year: 1900 
Call No: 13.8 H 1923 
Psychology and religion : west and east 
Year: 1900 
Call No: 13.98 J 1958 
Pocket Handbook of Clinical Psychiatry 
Year: 1990 
ISBN 13: 9780683045239 
Call No: 12.0 K 1987 REF 
Minutes of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society - Volume II:1908-1910 
Year: 1900