New Arrivals

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  Title Copies
Mommies, Daddies, Donors, Surrogates: Answering Tough Questions and Building Strong Families 
Year: 2005 
ISBN 13: 9781593851798 
Call No: 11.4 E 2005 
The developmental psychology of Jean Piaget 
Year: 1900 
Call No: 11.4 F 1963 
Helping young children grow : "I never knew parents did so much" 
Year: 1987 
ISBN 13: 9780823623228 
Call No: 11.4 F 1987 
The teacher's guide to Helping young children grow: The teacher's manual 
Year: 1987 
ISBN 13: 9780823622757 
Call No: 11.4 F 1987 
Infant and child in the culture of today : the guidance of development in home and nursery school 
Year: 1900 
Call No: 11.4 G 1943 
Piaget's theory of intellectual development; an introduction [by] Herbert Ginsburg and Sylvia Opper 
Year: 1969 
Call No: 11.4 G 1969 
Divorce and Your Child: Practical Suggestions for Parents 
Year: 1984 
ISBN 13: 9780300028102 
Call No: 11.4 G 1984 
The Growth of the Mind: And the Endangered Origins of Intelligence 
Year: 1998 
ISBN 13: 9780738200262 
Call No: 11.4 G 1997 
Review of Child Development Research 
Year: 1964 
ISBN 13: 9780871543844 
Call No: 11.4 H 1964-66 
Narcissus and Oedipus 
Year: 1982 
ISBN 13: 9780710008695 
Call No: 11.4 H 1982