Essential Papers on Transference (Essential Papers on Psychoanalysis)

Medical Books; Psychology; Movements  [ Browse Items ]
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Among Freud's discoveries, none has proved more theoretically valid or clinically productive than his demonstration that humans regularly and inevitably repeat with the analyst patterns of relationship, fantasy, and conflict experienced in their childhood. Transference phenomenon and its analysis in therapy is the cornerstone for much psychoanalytic work. It's crucial importance has been and continues to be a matter of debate among psychoanalysts. Essential Papers on Transference presents the central papers on the subject of transference from Freud's time to our own. Although many reflect viewpoints within the psychoanalytic mainstream, efforts have been made to be as inclusive as possible; thus neo-Freudian, Kohutian, and Lacanian statements are represented. The book underscores the fact that the meaning, the therapeutic use, and even the theoretical explanation of transference and transference phenomena have undergone significant changes over the years. Editorial Reviews Review -, "As a recognized expert in the field, Hamm is eminently qualified to prepare this text on the subject of terrorism from the criminal law perspective. . . . The text is written in a clear, lively manner." -"Choice", "Read this book to understand the important nexus between terrorism and crime! This cutting edge analysis suggests a new approach to defeat the terrorist threat to the United States." -Marc Sageman, author of "Understanding Terror Networks" "Drawing on six case studies of terrorist attacks by radical Islamists and right-wing racists, Hamm writes that American counterterrorist agencies have neglected some basic insights from scholarly criminology." -"The Chronicle of Higher Education", "Hamm's clear writing style, careful research and theoretical insights promise to make this a classic in criminology." -William J. Chambliss, author of "Power, Politics, and Crime" About the Author Aaron H. Esman, M.D., is an internationally acclaimed psychoanalyst and psychiatrist. He is Professor Emeritus at Weill Medical College, Cornell University, and a member of the faculty at the New York Psychoanalytic Institute and Columbia University Psychoanalytic Center. His previous books include Adolescence and Culture. 
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