Free Association: Method and Process

Medical Books; Psychology; Movements  [ Browse Items ]
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Beginning from the study of patients' associations in analysis, the author develops a lucid exposition of psychoanalytic technique. He draws on his clinical work to show the influence on technique of new views of mental development, of psychic conflict, transference and countertransference. --This text refers to the Paperback edition. Editorial Reviews Review 'Beginning with the study of a patient's association with analysis, Dr Kris develops a remarkably lucid exposition of psychoanalytic technique. He draws on his own extensive experience as a psychoanalyst and psychotherapist to show the influence of technique of new views of mental development, of psychic conflict, transference and countertransference. Beautifully written, and rich in clinical examples, this book is a wonderful and indeed indispensable text for all those practicing psychoanalysis and psychotherapy.'- Joseph Sandler, Emeritus Professor of Psychoanalysis, University College London'Kris has grasped the concept of free association, so pivotal to the technique of psychoanalysis from the very inception of our discipline, has marked its gradual downgrading - from its original pride of place as our uniquely psychoanalytic method of enquiry - over our century of clinical and theoretical psychoanalytic development, and, in his contemporary comprehensive reconsideration, has impressively reformulated the multi-faceted illumination that renewed focus on free association, in all its vicissitudes, can bring to the data of psychoanalysis and to the theoretical formulations that we construct from our data. This book should be read by all analysts concerned with the ever evolving interplay of our data, our techniques for eliciting them, and the theories we build or affirm from them, and who among us is not so concerned?'- Robert S. Wallerstein, M.D., President, International Psychoanalytical Association, 1985-89 --This text refers to the Paperback edition. 
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