Winnicott Studies: The Journal of the Squiggle Foundation : A Celebration of the Life and Work of Frances Tustin, No. 4 (The Winnicott Studies Monograph Series)
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The Squiggle Foundation's aims are to study and disseminate the work of Winnicott, with a particular emphasis on application. Editorial Reviews Review Contents:EditorialAutistic Areas in All of Us? By Marion MilnerThe Vestiges of our Early Attachments become the Rudiments of our Later Well-Being by Josephine KleinFrances Tustin's Contributions to Psychotherapy with Autistic Children in France by Dr Didier HouzelAutistic Omnipotence and Symbiotic Omnipotence in Infantile Psychosis by G. de Astis and A. GiannottiFrances Tustin by Dr Susanna Isaacs ElmhirstDiscussion of Frances Tustin's paper, 'The Dread of Dissolution' by Charlotte RileyOmnipotence as a Protective Reaction: A Discussion with Frances Tustin by Robert Olin'Eleven-Month-Old Nirvana' -a poem by James GreeneFrom 'In the Eye of the Hurricane' by Bronwyn HockingThe Work carried out with the Parents and the Autistic Child in the Admissions Procedure to a Day Unit byDr Victoria Subirana'Minster Lovell' -a poem by James Greene'The Mantle of Safety': Transference, Interpretation and Reconstruction of Childhood Traumas in Once Weekly Therapy with a 37 Year Old Woman by Victoria HamiltonFrances Tustin: A Biographical NoteFrances Tustin: Publications
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